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Burrington Primary School

Uniform Policy

Our uniform policy apples to all children from Reception to Year 6. Children in nursery may choose to wear uniform if they wish, but it is not expected.



Having a smart school uniform for all children:

  • Helps to create a feeling of community
  • Supports the principle of inclusion
  • Is suitable and appropriate for school activities
  • Promotes a sense of pride
  • Avoids the distraction or pressure of fashionwear


We pride ourselves on a smart appearance in school and we politely ask that all children wear the full Burrington Church of England Primary School uniform (this includes wearing polishable black shoes, avoiding the extremes of hairstyle and refraining from wearing makeup or jewellery). 

Purchasing Uniform

Uniform can be purchased from a variety of suppliers:

  • Online via our uniform provider Price & Buckland* (items with the school logo) by following this link:  www.price-buckland.co.uk
  • Supermarkets, department stores etc.(for uniform without the school logo).
  • Pre-loved/ second hand items are available from the school (PTA). We support sustainability through re-using uniform

Children are not required to wear uniform with a logo or emblem although may choose to do so.

*Please note that there is a small postal charge for items to be sent to a home address but items can be ordered and delivered for free to school.  Items are delivered to school on the 2nd and 4th working Monday of each month.

School Uniform

  • School sweatshirt - red, with or without the school emblem                
  • White or navy socks/ red or navy tights (no logo sports socks please)
  • Navy or black smart tailored trousers or shorts                        
  • Navy smart skirt (knee length) or pinafore  ('skorts' should not be worn)                          
  • White polo shirt (with or without the school emblem)
  • Summer dresses with red check or stripe (optional when weather is appropriate)   
  • School red cardigans (with or without the school emblem) may be worn with summer dresses.
  • Plain black polishable 'school' shoes (no boots)
  • Wellies (to be left in school)
  1. NB) Year 6 are permitted to wear their Leavers’ hoodies for certain activities during Year 6 as a privilege after SATS.

PE kit

Children should have their PE in school at all times.

  • Plain white t-shirt for twice weekly PE
  • Plain coloured house t-shirt (red/yellow/blue) which is used on sports day in term 6
  • Plain navy shorts (not tightly fitted)
  • Plimsols (daps) or trainers 
  • School sweatshirt and navy tracksuit bottoms for outdoor games when cold
  • White, navy or grey socks (children should not wear tights for PE)


Jewellery, makeup, 'tattoos' and hair accessories etc.

  • Jewellery should not be worn to school due to health and safety concerns and the potential for loss.
  • If children have pierced ears, then small studs only may be worn
  • Nail varnish, transfer tattoos and makeup should not be worn
  • Long hair should be tied back with simple, plain hair ties and hairbands should also be plain (without attachments)



Children should have a book bag.


All items of clothing should be labelled with your child’s name.

Forest school

Children are asked to wear old clothes (non uniform) for forest school. This should include full rainwear (trousers and anorak or 'all in one') as we go outside in all weathers. These clothes are very likely to get very muddy on a weekly basis. 


Financial Support for School Uniform

If there is a financial issue regarding uniform, then please contact Ms. Joskey; such matters will be treated confidentially.

Children in receipt of Pupil Premium may apply for a grant towards new school uniform costs. Please speak to  Ms. Joskey or Mrs. Jones.

If you live in the village of Wrington, Legge’s Charity can also assist with educational related costs and applications may be made twice a year (usually June and November). Other local charitable sources of funds may be available. Please speak confidentially to Ms. Joskey


Uniform Policy from Sept 2023 (Burrington)