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Burrington Primary School

Spiritual and Moral Curriculum

We aim to develop pupils academically but also as well balanced people with a good understanding of what is right and wrong and the ability to make the right choices.

We do this through developing their understanding of moral issues, extending their ability to question and their knowledge of the world around them.

They develop respect for those who are different to them and work at helping those who are less fortunate than them.

Pupils are able to experience spirituality in many ways whether through worship, music or solving a difficult problem in maths.

Pupils explore the major faiths of the world by learning about different beliefs and considering what they can learn from different faiths. Through our RE curriculum, they learn about similarities and differences and how to question people's beliefs with sensitivity.

The following are samples of work from Y4 children about what is important to me.

Learning Objective: To consider what is important to different groups
School is for teaching children things to be grown up, like school wants you to walk out of it determined.

School wants me to be....

  • Determined to reach another destination,
  • Clever, not everyone’s clever but for yourself,
  • Kind, to be a good person when you grown up,
  • Smart, it’s just if you want to be,
  • Brave, to keep going,
  • Glad, of how hard you’ve worked,
  • Proud, of moving on,
  • Happy, with a smile in it to,
  • Caring, so people don’t get hurt if you’re around, and loads more things. All of them grouped together is perfect and none of us are perfect even if all the world says you are.

Learning Objective: To consider what is important to different groups
When I leave this school, school wants me to be kind, to share my patience, time and joy with everyone I meet. To have endurance and adventure through my life to share my knowledge with others and help everyone with anything they can’t accomplish. To challenge myself, pushing myself to my goals, to develop through the Christian values.