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Burrington Primary School

School Meals

Children may bring a packed lunch or they may purchase a meal which is prepared and cooked off site in Winscombe by Aspens and brought to Burrington.

School meals currently cost £2.20 and are paid for and ordered by our caterers' on-line system - Aspens Select.  The website is select.aspens-services.com.  You will need the school school and your child's individual code which the School Office can provide.

Autumn 2022 Menu

If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals please contact the school office. This is very important as, even if you do not wish to take up the school meal entitlement, the school receives significant funding for each child who has received free school meals over the last six years. This can provide additional tuition or special activities for your child and others and is very valuable to the school. All information regarding free school meals is treated in the strictest confidence.


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