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Burrington Primary School

Music Lessons

Many children at Burrington learn to play a musical instrument under the guidance of teachers from the North Somerset music service.

Lessons are currently available for guitar, violin and viola, brass, cello, voice, oboe, saxophone, flute, clarinet and keyboard.

Letters are sent home termly with information or please see Mrs Hodgkinson if your child would like to learn an instrument. Tuition is available as soon as the music teacher feels the child is ready. Some children in Reception learn violin but sometimes instruments need the children to have all of their second teeth or to have big enough hands. There is a charge for this tuition.

The instrumentalists always get the opportunity to play at end of term informal concerts and our end of year formal concert. We have a full programme and children enjoy working towards the concerts. The school choir, recorder group and hand chimes group enjoy taking part. Everyone who learns an instrument is invited to play even if they can only play one note and it can be the start of a long relationship with music.
The school is part of the Churchill cluster of schools and is able to be part of programmes developed by the secondary school at Churchill, which has performing arts status.

Children make musical and dramatic contributions to services at church through the year. The school takes part in concerts and workshops that are arranged by the music service for children of all ages.