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Burrington Primary School









Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do.

Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.

Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013) also known as 'The Human Computer'


At Burrington CE Primary School we are: pattern spotters, problem solvers and creative thinkers. We are...... MATHEMATICIANS!

Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. 

(DFE Mathematics Programmes of Study 2013)


At Burrington we believe that maths is for everyone and should be made accessible to all. Through careful planning, excellent teacher knowledge and enthusiasm, we aim to foster a sense of curiosity in the numbers and patterns we see around us and we have fun exploring and investigating mathematical patterns in our learning. 

We follow a Teaching for Mastery Approach and have chosen to use White Rose Scheme to deliver our maths curriculum. 

Teaching for Mastery Approach




  • Maths is taught daily throughout the school. 
  • In Years 1 to 6, Maths is delivered using White Rose Maths mixed year planning. https://whiterosemaths.com 
  • Teacher planning ensures progression and differentiation.
  • Extension activities are provided. Children are supported by learning support assistants where necessary.
  • Children in our EYFS class are given daily mathematical experiences. Our nursery children have a 10 - 15 minute group maths input focussed on early maths, recognising and exploring number patterns to 5, manipulating shapes, investigating measures developing their positional language. They use rhymes and songs and a large range of manipulatives and other resources in our indoor and outdoor environment to support their learning. Our Reception children have a daily maths input using material from NCETM Mastering Number program for 4 days a week, this includes lots of reference to BBC Numberblocks, which our children love. www.bbc.co.uk - Numberblocks  Shape and Measure is taught using the White Rose EYFS Resources. Mathematical equipment is always available in continuous provision.
  • White Rose booklets are used to record learning as well as squared maths books when needed.
  • Weekly multiplication and division fact practice allows consolidation and fast recall of number facts in KS1 and 2. In upper KS2 this develops into speedy calculation of fractions problems.
  • Teachers use a variety of resources to support learning. Our Interactive whiteboards in all our classrooms enable the use of digital resources such as digital reckenreks (abacus), whole class geometry games and white rose interactive resources. Our classroom 'visualisers' allow teachers and children to broadcast their calculations and problem solving using resources such as protractors, rulers and mirrors onto the class Interactive Whiteboards.
  • Teachers share WAGOLLs (What a good one looks like) to share work / concepts / strategies.
  • Children model / share answers with talk partners, small groups or whole class to explain their understanding.
  • We use a wide range of manipulatives to support learning in all year groups eg Numicon, base 10, multilink, reckenreks, tens frames, Hungarian maths frames, place value charts and counters, bead strings and racks, counting sticks, 3D shapes, 2D shapes, number lines, etc
  • In Key Stage 2, children are given differentiated Mental Maths books for use at home. 
  • Children in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend the Primary Maths Festival held at Wells Cathedral School annually.


Maths Documents 




maths topics rec to year 6 burrington.pdf