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Burrington Primary School

Key Stage 1 & 2

Key Stage One and Two Curriculum

All Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils study a National Curriculum which is both broad and

The core subjects are:-

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science

English and maths are taught following the National Curriculum 2014 objectives and teachers will confidently change their teaching to meet the children's needs making learning exciting and motivating. The ways in which we teach English and Maths are set out in the documents below.

The foundation subjects are:-

  • Computing - TEACH scheme
  • Design and Technology - DATA scheme
  • History - LSP curriculum
  • Geography - LSP curriculum
  • Music using Charanga scheme of work.
  • Art
  • PE using a combination of REAL PE and Future Stars 
  • Modern Foreign Language which is French using the Niveau scheme of work.

English and maths are generally taught in the mornings: however we aim to teach in a cross curricular way making links between the subjects to make the curriculum relevant to the children. Each term each class will have a topic and children have the opportunity to make suggestions of things that they would like to do in the topic. Information about the topic will be sent to parents at the beginning of the term and can be found in the documents below. All children in KS2 will learn a foreign language which is French. We follow the National Curriculum for all foundation subjects.

We aim for all of our children to achieve their best and set them challenging targets which children are assessed against regularly.  We have whole school curriculum targets which are changed six times per year.  This ensures that we are constantly moving the children forward to achieve their best. We are consistently pleased with the achievements of our children.

We hold a curriculum workshop twice a year for parents when we will update parents on new things in school or tell parents about how we teach specific areas in school or of new developments. Each term parents receive a term's plan which explains what each class will be doing and how parents can help in class or by providing expertise.
Further information about each topic is available on the class page.  We will be updating information about the objectives that are taught each year shortly.  We follow the 2014 curriculum and teach the objectives as detailed in the curriculum however as appropriate we may teach the objectives from a higher or lower year group to ensure that pupils are appropriately challenged.

RE teaching follows the agreed syllabus of Awareness, Mystery and Value.


Children are encouraged to develop their physical skills to the full.

The children are able to benefit from the excellent play area and large field.  We enjoy coaching from a range of sport specialists including weekly teaching from sports coaches for KS1 and Reception and lessons from a specialist sports teacher for KS2 children.  Children regularly take part in interschool matches and tournaments and compete in the Churchill Cluster swimming gala and sports day. A school annual sports day and swimming gala take place during the Summer term. The school has gained the FA Football Charter Standard and the Bronze Sports Mark.

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