Staff Team
Headteacher, RE Lead
Ms Sarah Joskey
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs LJ Annandale
Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Ms Sarah Joskey (DSL)
Mrs LJ Annandale (DDSL)
Maple Class Teacher/English, History & Geography Lead/Staff Governor
Mrs LJ Annandale
Cherry Class Teachers/PSHE, PE and Maths leads
Mrs B Kuipers
Mrs L Bourton
Oak Class Teacher and Science and Computing leader
Ms J Dodd
Mrs T Jones
Early Years Practitioner and After-School Supervisor
Mrs C Rooney
Learning Mentor
Mrs M Allen
Teaching Assistants
Mrs L Morris
Mrs T Russell
Mrs F Licata
Jane Pittman (volunteer in Maple)
Administrator and Breakfast Club Supervisor
Mrs M Hodgkinson
Mrs V Watkins
Forest School Leader
Mrs B Kuipers
Lunch time staff:
Mrs C Husher, Mrs M Betteridge, Mrs S Gulliford.
After School Club Leader
Mrs C Rooney