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Burrington Primary School



Governance at Burrington Church of England Primary as part of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership

Burrington C of E Primary School and Wrington C of E Primary School are federated. This means that the two schools share one board of governors who oversee the work of both schools, provide strategic direction, and challenge and support the schools to ensure that they meet the needs of all pupils.

The federation governing body has four main responsibilities:
- Implementation of each school development plan.
- To hold the Headteacher to account, and to be a 'critical friend' for the Headteacher.
- To ensure compliance with legislation which relates to the running of the schools.
- To set the admissions policy for the school (applicable to Burrington only).

Importantly, school governors are not directly involved in the day to day running of the schools.  This responsibility lies with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Teams.

Along with the Headteacher, the federation governing body is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the teaching and academic staff are delivering the highest standards of education to all pupils, in an inclusive, safe and friendly environment. We are also responsible for the recruitment of staff.

Governors have a wide range of skills.  We have members who work or have worked in education, business the church and other areas of public service, providing a blend of experience and commitment. 

The governing body is also responsible for reviewing everything from educational achievement across the curriculum, the Christian ethos, the school budget, to the management of building programmes.  

The governors are actively involved in working with the school on a range of matters and are regularly involved in the development of religious education, with regular attendance at church services.  All governors have a link subject, and periodically visit the school, including visits to classrooms to observe teaching.

The federation governing body is made up as follows:
- Foundation Governors (appointed by the diocese).
- The Headteacher.
- One Staff Governor (appointed by ballot).
- One Local Authority Governor (appointed by North Somerset Council).
- Two Parent Governors (appointed by ballot, preferably one from Burrington and one from Wrington)
- Co-opted Governors 

Details of the federation governing body, together with attendance at committee meetings and areas of responsibility, are shown below.  You can get in touch with any of the governors either through the school office, or through the clerk to the governors, Janet Gent (clerk.governors@bwcfederation.org.uk).  

Roles within the governing body

Chair of Governors

Laura Laird


Sarah Joskey (all committees)

Staff Governor

LJ Annandale (associate governor)

Ethos Sub-Committee 

David Gent, Belinda Kumpel, Sarah Joskey

Finance Committee

Deborah Yamanaka, Sarah Joskey, Clare Parsons, Sarah Bagnall (Chair)

Premises Committee

Deborah Yamanaka (Chair), Belinda Kumpel, Vacancy

Standards Committee*

Martin Curtis,  Alice Lang, LJ Annandale, Laura Laird (Chair), Nick Hardie, Sarah Joskey

Marketing Sub-Committee

LJ Annandale, vacancy

Safeguarding Governor

Laura Laird

Health & Safety Governor

Deborah Yamanaka

GDPR Governor

Alexis Mackie

Clerk to Governors

Janet Gent

SEND Governor

Nick Hardie

* From Sept 2024, the Standards Committee responsibilities will be incorporated into the LGB



Governor Profiles

Mrs. L J Annandale (Associate Governor and member of staff)

I was born and raised in South Africa so, not unsurprisingly, I have that Southern Hemisphere passion for team sports (Go Bokke!)... although strictly as a spectator only. I moved to the UK after university and worked initially for a global advertising agency as Brand Manager for a number of multinational companies, including Nestlé and Proctor & Gamble. I changed career paths because I have always had a passion for education; and as a full-time mum, I became heavily invested in my own children’s early learning. I have worked at Burrington Primary School as a Year 5/6 class teacher for 6 years; developing my love of literacy and global dimension pedagogy. Outside of work, I help with Wrington Guides; take art lessons (albeit badly); travel the world, and walk my badly behaved dog in the forest (just not all at the same time). 


 Reverend David Gent (Foundation Governor) 


David is Rector of Wrington with Redhill, Burrington, Butcombe and Langford, so is well-known to the children particularly through leading collective worship etc.  As a member of the Governing Body, he takes a particular interest in ethos matters and in our preparation for SIAMS (the church school inspection)


Mr Nick Hardie (Co-opted Governor)

I wholeheartedly believe in the values of compassion, integrity, curiosity and wisdom that Burrington and Wrington School represents.  I  take great pride in being part of ensuring those values are upheld.  Having seen the quality of leadership and teaching at Burrington school since my son joined in September, I truly believe in the vision of the school community to nurture and broaden the Pupil’s horizons.

With regards to my experience, my role as a documentary director has taught me how to foster strong teams and encourage creativity with compassion and humility.  The role has taken me around the world, giving me a broad perspective of the wonderfully diverse cultures our planet has to offer, and fueled a strong desire to protect it. 

I’ve also developed a meticulous approach to the coordination, both logistically and financially of large teams in rapidly changing environments.

Over my schooling years, I have had first-hand experience of both large-scale comprehensive schools, and small-scale private school environments, which I feel has given me a broad overview of the benefits and drawbacks of both approaches.  This is another reason why I believe in the nurturing child-focused environment and broad progressive outlook that Burrington provides.


Ms. Sarah Joskey (Headteacher)


 I was born and grew up in the Mendips and I have many associations with this beautiful area. After university, where I studied music, I developed a passion for primary education.  I have a Masters degree in Education and I have taught in schools in Berkshire, Outer London and North Somerset.  Governing bodies play such an important role in the success of a school and I have been pleased to serve as a governor in four schools. I have been Headteacher at Wrington since 2010 and Headteacher at Burrington since 2018 when the two schools federated. I now live in Somerset with my family which includes three children and a rather timid golden retriever who occasionally visits school. Music remains a great love: I play the harp, piano, I sing in choirs in Bath and SW London and I support musical activities in my local church.


Dr. Belinda Kumpel (Foundation Governor)

 I am a retired scientist, having worked in Blood Transfusion (latterly NHS Blood and Transplant) for nearly 30 years in Bristol. I worked with many students studying for higher degrees and lectured there and abroad. Our children were at Wrington School which gave them a lovely start to their education. As a new Governor, I hope to be able to support the governing body and the teachers in ensuring the best education for children at Wrington and Burrington primary schools. 




Mrs Laura Laird (Chair of Governors)


I have lived in Wrington for many years with my husband and two sons, both of whom attend Wrington Primary School.

After several years working in banking, I retrained as a primary teacher and have been teaching for more than 15 years.  I currently teach part-time at one of the largest primary schools in Bristol, and am Writing Lead. I have been involved in Girlguiding UK for almost 20 years and lead a Brownie unit in Wrington.

In my spare time, when I’m not cheering on children’s sports or drama activities, I enjoy knitting, reading and the theatre.


Mrs. Alice Lang (Foundation Governor)


I joined the Governing Body as a Foundation Governor in February 2022. My son attends Wrington C of E Primary School and I hope that my daughter will also be able to attend in due course. My professional background is in law and I work as a construction solicitor for a full service law firm in their Bristol office. I enjoy family time, walking our young yellow Labrador, music, travel and photography. 


 Alexis Mackie (Foundation Governor)


I have lived in the lovely community of Burrington since 2016, serving as Secretary on the Burrington PCC for several years. My professional background is in Client Account Management within Technology and Financial Services. After achieving an RHS qualification in 2019, I recently followed my passion for horticulture and am now gardener in the local area. Having dual citizenship, I moved to the UK almost 15 years ago from Canada, settling in the West Country. The Mendip Hills are a great place to enjoy my pastimes of bike riding, running and walking.

 Burrington is a wonderful place to live with my little family. I look forward to serving as a school governor, making a difference to the lives of the students and staff, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Mrs. Clare Parsons (Parent Governor) 


I have lived in the local area for nearly 20 years and the village for 15 of those. I love our school and village and I feel strongly that both should be supported to ensure they can continue to be an important part of our community. I feel I offer an insight as someone who lives within the parish and as a parent to a pupil at Burrington. I am self employed within the agricultural and veterinary sector. In my spare time I enjoy cooking and running and I am also on the Burrington Parish Rooms committee.

Mrs. Deborah Yamanaka (Co-opted Governor)

 I was formally the Local Education Authority Governor appointed by North Somerset Council and am now a Co-opted Governor.  I chair the Premises sub-committee and I am the Health and Safety Governor.  I recently stood down as a North Somerset Councillor after 24 years, but I am still a member of Wrington Parish Council.  My two children attended Wrington school many years ago, and before federation I was the LEA governor for Wrington school.  I am now retired but during my working life I taught IT.  For relaxation I enjoy music, gardening, walking and travel.





 Sarah Bagnall (Co-opted Governor)

I am a parent of a child in Burrington pre-school.  Since joining the Burrington  community I have been struck by the strong community spirit, and would like to do my bit to help. 

I have set up and run my own independent financial adviser company for 12 years and I feel that my experience of running a regulated company, managing employees and managing clients’ finances could be useful in this role.

Martin Curtis (Co-opted Governor)

I have spent all my career working in Education as a teacher, manager, academic and creative. I live in Burrington. Our three children were educated locally at Burrington and Churchill. I have been a governor at Burrington and Wrington Primary schools for three years.

 Vacancy (Foundation Governor)

Click below to read more about the Governors:


List of Governor Interests


Governor Contact details



Governor Attendance Record

Governor attendance record 2024-2025



Governor responsibilities

LJ Annandale (Associate governor and staff) LGB and Standards

Sarah Bagnall (Co-opted governor) Finance Chair

The Rev. David Gent (Foundation governor), LGB, Ethos  and Standards

Nick Hardie (Co-opted governor) LGB and Standards

Sarah Joskey (Headteacher), LGB and all committees

Belinda Kumpel (Foundation governor), LGB and Standards

Laura Laird (Co-opted Governor) Chair of Governors

Alice Lang (Foundation Governor)LGB and Finance

Alexis Mackie (Co-opted Governor), LGB

Clare Parsons (parent governor) LGB and Finance

Deborah Yamanaka (LEA governor), LGB, Premises Chair 


LGB is Local Governing Board