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Burrington Primary School

Staying Safe and Well

Well-being and Healthy Living

Well-being is important to us in order to be successful learners.

At Burrington we encourage happy, healthy children who understand the things we can do to be safe and to thrive. We hope that good well-being habits developed in the early years will promote life-long health and well-being.

Green Day

Each year we hold a green day when children bring in various ‘green’ donations such as bulbs, seeds and plants.

These are then planted in and around our school grounds. Our curriculum is enriched through our strong links with two local ‘Farm link’ farms where children learn the important food journey from the seed to the plate in a real life context.


Sport flourishes at Burrington Primary School!

Class teachers enjoy teaching Physical Education with their classes and we employ sports specialist to work alongside members of staff at intervals during the year to teach different activities and increase levels of confidence and expertise. The school is always eager to take part in local and regional competitive sport and we have enjoyed great success over the last year in cross country, football, rugby and tennis ably led by Mrs Morris, our sports lead. We are very proud of our success in sports competitions, particularly given the small size of school.

A number of our staff have a keen interest in sport and even participate in local teams. Many children opt for additional sport after school: we have lots of sports clubs run by both external providers (e.g. Football, multi-skills, hockey) as well as by our talented internal staff (e.g. tag rugby, netball). Creative physical activity achieves similar success through participation in dance festivals and performances.

At our celebration service, the Head Teacher presents certificates and awards from activities that have taken place outside school (e.g. Horse riding, swimming) as well as internal school awards; activity and success within and outside the school day is encouraged.

Well-being awards and research

We are currently in the process of applying to undertake the new  Healthy Schools Award with a focus on mental health.

We have an Eco team, under the leadership of our learning mentor and forest school teacher, who works to improve the school’s environment and to promote global eco issues. They help us to care for our immediate environment and have consideration for the wellbeing of our world. The whole school has embraced the UN Global Goals which is incorporated into our curriculum.

The Arts

The Arts are central to the life of the school.

We recognise how Arts activities such as music and drama can really improve well-being and bring a smile to many faces – audience and participants! We have a thriving choir and many children learn to play an instrument. The staff themselves even perform in public at our musical soirees where children of all ages and abilities have the opportunity to perform.

Well-being in our environment

We are very fortunate to have such lovely grounds with green space that promote well being.

On our large field is a forest school hut, complete with mud kitchen. We also have a range of wooden play equipment for the children to enjoy. The school really is in an idyllic location!

We are currently exploring the possibility of developing the playground to support our younger pupils further in their early learning. The grade1 listed church (Holy Trinity) is next to the school and so we are very fortunate to be able to use it both as an inspiring place of worship as well as a spiritual area to reflect in peace and calm.