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Burrington Primary School

School Houses

All the children are assigned to one of our three houses - Owls, Kestrels and Peregrines.

Each house is lead by a member of staff and Year 6 House Captain:

  • Owls lead by Louise Bourton (red)
  • Kestrels lead by LJ Annandale (blue) 
  • Peregrines lead by Oscar Chambers-Smith (yellow)

At the start of the year, Year 6s are voted as House Captains by their peers. During weekly House Assembly, these Year 6s play a leading role: lighting the candle, saying the introduction and closing prayer. At the end of each term, House Captains run a child-led CREW assembly based on the Christian-value for that team. All children, from reception to Year 6 attend this mixed-age assembly, which helps the 'houses' bond and further endorses the 'family' feeling. 

On special occasions, such as: World Book day, and STEM week, the children work in their Houses to form mixed-age teams, under the mentorship and guidance of the Year 6 children. 

House points are awarded for various sporting activities throughout the year; the House Cup is award at the end of the year to the winning House.