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Burrington Primary School


Cherry Tree - Early years - Reception and Nursery

Our Cherry class teachers are Mrs Bourton (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Kuipers (Monday and Tuesday). Mrs Rooney is our nursery practitioner. Mrs Russell is our teaching assistant. 

Cherry Tree class is always a busy, active and an enjoyable place to be. We enjoy spending time in our lovely bright classroom, using our fantastic resources, being playful and creative, looking at books, singing, building and exploring. We can always go outside on our covered 'bottom or top deck' where we have sand to explore, water to investigate and the ever-changing play trays to discover. Sometimes we get really messy when we play!

Every day we open up our shed so we can take our learning outside: make shapes with our giant polydron, build with the giant bricks, make dens, build the balance trail, water our garden, watch the birds, make ball and water runs with the guttering, read books and enjoy the seasonal changes. We sometimes see tractors go past the railings and smart looking cars arrive at the church.

On Monday afternoons we walk along 'The Dring' path to our Forest School area.

Our themes for our learning this year are:

  • All about me and my world
  • In the Night Sky
  • Amazing Animals
  • Terrific Tales
  • Growing
  • Fun in the Sun

In line with Early Years Foundation Stage ethos, the themes for the term are suggestions, we endeavour to follow the children’s interests as they naturally occur.

We have PE on Wednesdays. On Mondays we bring our Forest School clothes, waterproof suits and coats to change into for our Forest School session.

We stop for milk, fruit and vegetables at Brain food time in the morning. Our water bottles are always available for us to drink from.

We learn and share poems from 'The Poetry Basket'. We love sharing story books daily and we use information books to discover more about things that interest us.

Our interactive whiteboard is great for finding out about places and times long ago.



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