Class Information
Welcome to the Birch Class Page!
We are a mixed-age year 1/2 class and we are taught by Mrs Balicki (Tuesday-Friday) and Mrs Webb (Monday). Our teaching assistant is Mrs Morris.
In Birch class, we continue the wonderful journey of being phonics experts and our reading really starts to take off! We love books and we promote a love of reading in all we do. We enjoy dropping everything and snuggling down to hear stories or to read some on our own. We also love to write. We use wonderful texts like Cave Baby and Beegu to inspire our writing and help us get creative.
We also learn what makes us great historians and we delve into many great topics such as Mary Anning, the Great Fire of London and Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
We are scientists and discover what materials are best suited for certain jobs; how the human body works; and how plants grow.
Along with many of our other exciting subjects, Birch class like to be outdoors. You will often find us learning on the school field, experimenting in our playground or taking a class trip. We also love Forest School and enjoy this every week!
We LOVE to learn! Our theme web for this term is located below.
Dinosaurs, Fossils and Discovery: What is Mary Anning's legacy, and why is this important for us today?
Summer Curriculum Overview
summer curriculum web dinosaurs.pdf
Spring Term
How did the Great Fire of London affect the way we build modern-day buildings?
Spring Curriculum Overview
We are Historians!
As part of our topic on Victorian Seaside Holidays, Birch class visited Weston Museum. We spent the morning in a workshop, identifying things we may have found on the beach 100 years ago compared to what we may find today. We saw a donkey-taxi and the
clothes that Victorian men and women would have worn on the beach. We also tried on some Victorian hats and watched videos of
how Weston beach has changed through time.
In the afternoon, we visited the Grand Pier and Weston beach. We looked at how transport has changed since the Victorians went on holiday. We also spotted things on the beach that would have been there in the Victorian era, including the pier, fish and chips, ice-cream and donkeys.
We are Global Citizens
Birch class were tasked with creating a piece of artwork along the theme of ‘Rebuilding’. The children worked together to create a title for their artwork: ‘To rebuild a better planet, we all need to reuse and recycle’. The children then used recycled materials from home, school and the school grounds to create some wonderful pieces of artwork.
As part of our literacy work, children created pamphlets to distribute, promoting how we should care for our planet.
We are Actors
This Christmas, Birch children led the school nativity by performing ‘The Landlord’s Cat’ by Julia and Antony Copus. The children learnt many lines, sang beautiful songs and acted splendidly. The children received a huge applause and ensured everybody watching felt festive and entertained. Bravo Birch Class.
We are Scientists!
Birch class have been learning about the names of parts of our body. Children shared the names of body parts they already knew. We then looked in books to find names for other body parts we did not know. We learnt the words to the song ‘Heads, Shoulders, knees and Toes’, and then headed outside to draw around our bodies and label all the body parts we had learnt in class.
We are curious learners
Birch class love to spend time outdoors, exploring our outdoor learning area. Through continuous provision, children continue their learning journey with a range of experiments, challenges, games and toys.
We are active!
We love our PE sessions which are run by Future Stars. Each term, we learn the skills of a new sport, e.g. Tag Rugby, Netball and Kwik Cricket to name a few. We also take part in the KS1 multi-skills festival, where children take part in a number of challenges which test their perseverance ands team spirit. This Year, Burrington Year 2 children came first place!
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Birch Class have P.E. on a Friday and a Wednesday.
Forest School is on a Monday morning.
Birch Class World Book Day 2023