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Burrington Primary School

Academy Conversion January 2023

We have become an Academy with Lighthouse Schools Partnership Multi-Academy Trust


We are delighted to be part of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership which is an established Schools Trust. There are currently 29 schools in LSP all of which are in North Somerset and Bath and NE Somerset. Schools local to us include: St Andrew’s CE Primary School in Congresbury, Winford CE Primary School, Churchill and Blagdon Primary Schools. School Trusts such as LSP are not-for-profit charities with the key aim of ‘advancing education for public benefit’.

We see a great many advantages for our children, families and staff in joining this Trust. In particular, we will be able to share resources and expertise across the LSP schools. The central focus of our collaboration will be on the professional development for our staff so that we continually improve in our teaching and learning for the benefit of all our students. 


We feel that this path has put the Federation of Burrington and Wrington Church Schools in the best place to continue to serve our community as excellent schools.


You can find out more about LSP by visiting their website www.lsp.org.uk.


Consultation letter prior to conversion


Frequently asked questions