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Burrington Primary School

"Let all that you do be done in love."
- 1 Corinthians, 16:14
Believe and achieve together

                                                                              Burrington C of E Primary School and Nursery

If you would like to arrange a visit to school, please contact the school office on 01761 462662 or via email at office@burringtonprimary.co.uk

As Head Teacher of Burrington Church of England Primary School, I am delighted to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and flourishing school.
 Nestled in the outstanding area of natural beauty that is the Mendip Hills, Burrington Primary is a very special place of learning where children are nurtured to be confident, happy and inquisitive learners, encouraged to be ambitious and seize the many opportunities that this remarkable small school provides. This enables an education which lays a firm foundation of aspiration, curiosity and the belief that we can all make a positive difference in our world.              Sarah Joskey
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  • Every child will value themselves as a unique individual with special qualities and strengths and will have a strong social, spiritual and moral grounding on which to base relationships and decisions.  
  • Every child will take responsibility for their actions and have a respect and understanding of the beliefs, values and needs of others in the local, national and global community.
  • Every child will achieve the highest standards of which they are capable through developing their skills, knowledge and understanding across a creative and inspiring curriculum and become a life-long learner.
  • Every child will be actively involved in their own learning through self-evaluation and awareness of learning goals.
  • Every child will be a highly motivated, skilled and resilient learner, able to be reflective on their learning and willing to accept constructive comments and guidance. 
  • Every child will welcome new experiences and be courageous in their learning, which will develop their confidence to tackle challenges, solve problems and make mistakes within a secure environment, independently or collaboratively.
  • Every child will be encouraged to understand the meaning and significance of faith.
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At Burrington Church of England Primary School, we offer a very special educational experience with a strong family ethos, an ambitious and innovative curriculum, an array of extra-curricular opportunities and a friendly, dedicated and highly skilled staff team. Visits to the school are very warmly welcomed to see us in action.

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Applying for a place at
Burrington School